Program Details

Lead Camp

Lead Camp is an exciting new leadership development camp option. This experience is broken down into three different levels in which Lead Campers will learn about what it takes to be the next generation of Day Camp Sunshine counselors. Registration for these programs is accessible through your CampWise account. Each level has an applicable application process. If you have any questions about this process, please contact us.

Level 1

This level is for rising 8th and 9th graders and is the foundation of the whole program. This level will focus on :

Self awareness

Character building

Relationships with peers and supervisors

Team building

Helping with the "behind the scenes" tasks that make camp possible

Answering the question "what is the gospel?"

Level 1 Dates & Cost : July 1st - July 19th......$1,545 ($515/week)

Level 2

This level is for rising 9th graders. Campers in this program start to acquire the skills needed to run games and manage a group of campers.  This level will focus on :

Group management

Creative programming

Developing relationships with campers

Assisting with electives


Answering the question "how do I live the gospel?"

Level 2 Dates & Cost : July 29th - August 16th......$1,545 ($515/week)

Level 3

This level is for rising 10th graders and is the last stop before being able to join the Day Camp Sunshine staff. This is the level where all skills learned in Levels 1 and 2 will be put into practice while participants shadow a counselor for four weeks. Acceptance to this level is pending an application and interview. This level will focus on :

Assisting counselors in group management

Running games & electives

Learning about leading Bible studies & other spiritual aspects of camp

Meeting with a Director once a week

Level 3 Dates & Cost : Session 1 : June 24th - July 19th......$1,050 ($262.50/week)
                                          Session 2 : July 29th - August 23rd......$954 ($238.50/week)

*While participation of this program will help the camper learn how to be a counselor, it does not mean that they are guaranteed a position when they turn 16.

**Level 3 campers will be shadowing a counselor, but will not have the same duties and responsibilities as a counselor.