Policies & Scholarships

Medications at Camp

In accordance with NJ state law, DCS requires that all camper medications be kept in the nurse’s office. Campers may not carry prescription or over the counter medications with them. This even includes topical sprays and creams. *Counselors may not carry medication for campers.* All medications need to be handed in to the nurse at the nurse’s office and must be accompanied by a medication administration form. (To download one, visit our forms section of the website)


*Exceptions: Rescue inhalers for asthma and epi-pens. Even for these, however, you must submit a medication administration form as well as an Emergency Care Plan that must be signed by a doctor. Check the “forms” page on our website for both an Emergency Care Plan and a medication administration form.

Medical Forms :

Medication Administration 

Food and Allergy 

Asthma Treatment Plan 

Seizure Action Plan



Required Registration Fees

  1. Non-refundable $35 registration fee per child/per summer
  2. Non-refundable $50 per week/per child deposit.

We consider your camper fully registered with a guaranteed spot when the following has been met:

  1. Full payment of tuition and fees
  2. Submission of all required medical forms
  3. Availability in their respective group

Full payment is due by June 1. Sessions may be added after June 1, if space is available.

If full payment cannot be made by June 1, special arrangements can be made with the registrar to set up a Payment Plan. Using a payment plan requires a credit card to be left on file where payments can be charged. Accounts using a payment plan must be paid in full by October 31. Payment plan applications
are available through the registrar.

All weeks of camp registered for after June 1 must be paid in full at the time of registration, unless a Payment Plan is set up with the registrar.

Scholarship Policies

  1. Total scholarship for full week registrants cannot exceed more than $50 per week without approval from the director.
  2. Total scholarship for ½ week registrants cannot exceed more than $30 per week without approval from the director.
  3. Pay in full before April 1 and receive $15 off per week.
  4. Pay in full before May 1 and receive $10 off per week.
  5. Multi-week scholarship: if registering for 3 weeks or more, receive $10 off each week.
  6. Multi-sibling scholarship: receive $5 off per week for each child, including children enrolled at Sunshine Preschool. To ensure your scholarship gets applied, contact the registrar if one or more children will be enrolled at Sunshine Preschool.
  7. Military scholarship of $15 per week if an immediate family member is actively enlisted. (verification required)
  8. First responders scholarship of $15 per week. (verification required)
  9. Pastor’s scholarship of 50% available to children whose parent is a pastor. (verification required)

Refund Policy

Enrollment cancellations requested prior to June 1 will receive a refund via check, minus the non-refundable, $50.00 deposit and $35.00 registration fee. REFUNDS FOR CANCELLATIONS REQUESTED AFTER JUNE 1 WILL NOT BE GRANTED, except for medical emergency*. Requests for exchange of funds from one week to another will be granted, based on availability. Transfer requests must be made two weeks prior to the week being transferred. Days missed may not be “made up” and will not result in a credit or refund.

* Doctor’s note required

Sweet Shop/Camp Store Deposits

Deposits to your sweet shop account can be made on-line for any amount. Any cash deposits being made must be a minimum of $5.

Sweet Shop/Camp Store Refunds

All monies remaining in the Sweet Shop/Store account at the end of the summer will be converted to a donation to Day Camp Sunshine. Sweet Shop accounts with a credit balance of more than $10 will receive a tax deductible donation receipt. Unless a specific request is made to the camp office by August 31st. 

Late Nights/Overnights

Payments for late nights and overnights are due by Friday at noon, the day of the event. If your child is signed up and paid, but can no longer attend, the funds may be transferred to your Sweet Shop account. Exceptions will only be granted in the case of an emergency situation such as a death in the family or illness (requiring a doctor’s note).

Wait Listed Campers

Campers that are wait listed will be moved to session openings on a first come basis. The weekly amount must be paid with a 48 hour notice of acceptance into desired week. Your child will remain on the wait list until the Friday before the desired week. If your child is wait listed but space remains unavailable up until the Friday prior, you will not receive any notification and the $35.00 registration fee will not be refunded.

Late Pick-Up

Day Camp Sunshine hours for all campers are from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm. If you pick up your child after 6:00 pm, there is a fee of $10.00 per child for every 5 minutes past 6:00

Half Week Campers

Any camper who signs up for a half week (three days) and attends more than three days will be automatically charged $105 per day.

Total discounts cannot exceed more than $30 per week without approval from the director.

Headlice Policy

We strongly encourage you to check your camper’s head for signs of lice or nits (eggs) before you bring them to camp. Day Camp Sunshine has a strict no-nit policy, and in accordance with that policy we will not allow campers to attend camp if our staff finds eve one nit in your camper’s hair. This is for the safety and consideration of all campers and staff at DCS. If our staff does find a nit or lice in your camper’s hair, they will be sent home immediately with instruction to treat them and their belongings. Your camper is welcome to return 24 hours after treatment, permitting they are nit free with a doctor’s note. They will be re-checked by the Camp Nurse upon arrival.


We do not prorate for missed days due to lice. No refunds will be issued for cancelled registration or missed camp days due to lice. If you would like to move your camper to another week, we will be happy to accommodate you based on availability. All funds from that week will be transferred to the new week, EXCEPT the $50 non-refundable deposit.


For additional information on head lice and its treatment please visit www.cdc.gov/parasites/lice/